Signals Summit ON-DEMAND - 2021
We are pleased to provide complimentary and unlimited access to the On-Demand Archive of the 5th Annual Signals Summit: The Forgotten Art of Electrophysiology, which includes the full library of educational programming that occurred in real-time through the live streaming broadcast from the Intercontinental Chicago.
A special acknowledgment to the dedication and vision of the Program Director, Dr. Elad Anter, expertise of the world-renowned faculty, engagement of the global clinician community, and generous support of Boston Scientific, who have made the 5th Annual Signals Summit and Signals Summit ON-DEMAND possible.
Fellows Session
To view, click on the presentation titles within each session
Agenda |
Welcome / Introduction / Opening Remarks |
Electrogram Recording Techniques |
Interpretation of Unipolar and Bipolar EGMs for Guiding Ablation |
Abnormal EGMs: Definitions, Mechanisms, and Clinical Significance |
Interpretation of Activation Maps Beyond Colors |
Challenges and Pitfalls of Entrainment |
Panel Discussion |
Welcome and Introductions Electrogram Evidence of Transmural Left Ventricular Ostium Nonischemic Substrate: Implications for Arrhythmia and Effective Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation of Peri Mitral Flutter in a Patient with Mitral Mechanical Prosthesis The “Tickle”: A Challenging Case of Septal Intramural PVC Ablation |
Day 1 General Session
To view, click on the presentation titles within each session
Agenda |
Welcome / Introduction / Opening Remarks |
Principles and Mechanisms of Impulse Propagation in Myocardium |
Tri-dimensional Activation in Regions of Electrical Discontinuity |
The Contribution of Heterogenicity in Repolarization for Arrhythmogenesis |
Determinants of Accurate Recording of Extracellular Potentials |
“Local Activation Time” of Multicomponent Electrograms |
Relationship Between Voltage Amplitude and Conduction Velocity |
Interactive Case Presentation of Scar-Related Atrial Tachycardia |
The Contribution of Anatomical and Functional Barriers in Reentrant VT |
Decrement Evoked Potential Mapping for Identifying Isthmus Sites |
High-Resolution Mapping for Defining VT |
The Arrhythmogenic Mechanism of Purkinje Fibers Sites |
Causes of VT Recurrence After Ablation |
The Marshall-PLAN for the Treatment of Persistent AF |
Day 2 General Session
To view, click on the presentation titles within each session
Agenda |
Pathophysiology of Atrial Fibrillation |
Structural and Functional Basis of AF Drivers |
Intra-operative AF Mapping in Humans |
Spatial vs Temporal Resolution in AF Mapping: How to get the Right Answer |
Epicardium-to-Endocardium Dissociation of Electrical Activation |
Correlation Between Scar and Arrhythmogenicity |
Cardiac Signal Mapping at the Onset Human VF |
Discordance in Scar Detection between EAM and Cardiac MRI |
Machine Learning in Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology |
Biophysical Determinants of Electroporation |
Electroporation Effects on Conduction System and Scar Tissue |
Electroporation for Ventricular Ablation |
Increasing Bipolar Lesion Dimensions by Modulating the Grounding Catheter |
Electroporation: Knowns, Unknowns, and What to Expect |
Needle Ablation for Intramural Substrates |
Cardioneuroablation for Vasovagal Syncope |